و قال تعالی: وَ مَا اَرْسَلْنَا مِنْ رَّسُوْلٍ اِلّا بِلِسَانِ قَوْمِہٖ

Benifets and Purposes:

The aims and objectives of the organization are as follows:

-Finding solutions to social problems through religion using modern resources

- Promoting the best resources for religious purposes.

-The main and main objective of the institution is to prepare the graduates of the madrassas in this way:

⦁ They can perform their services in any worldly field according to the principles of religion and run these fields in accordance with the rules of religion in accordance with the legitimate requirements of the world.

⦁ Serve as a Shariah Advisor in various companies and institutions.

⦁ Be able to come and talk to the people around you in their own language on their mental level.

-To teach scholars the practice of basic secular sciences and its practical application.

-Religious education and modern education. Closing the communication gap between the educated class on both sides

-The work of religion should not be limited only to the religious class but each class should be able to serve and develop the religion within its own sphere.

Distinctive features:

⦁ Services of artisans

⦁ Special focus on practical exercises along with curriculum teaching

⦁ Available in English language

⦁ The latest classroom

⦁ A beautiful combination of originality and contemporaneity From the blog